

Calev Myers is an Israeli lawyer, author, civil rights activist, and thought leader who needed one central site to showcase all of his great work.

Role: Lead Designer
Done with: Goldfish Marketing



Calev Myers is an Israeli lawyer, author, civil rights activist, and thought leader. He’s very active with his law practice, international association, nonprofits, and speaking engagements, and he needed one central site to showcase all of that work.

Site Planning

Before we began the site, we took a lot of care in planning the pages needed to tell the story. We also planned how and when to link to the organizations he is a part of for more information instead of duplicating efforts. Sharing a site map like this one made the plan more visual so the team and Calev Myers could all see it and agree before moving forward.


The Site

The site is a home for his interviews, internal and external blog posts, and a highlight page for each of his leadership roles. The dark atmosphere of the site coupled with the gold accents really embodied Calev Myers’s personality by showing sophistication, strength, and positivity. The modern aesthetic yet professional and informative perspective is carried throughout the pages and in any sized device.